Dissimulation in Sunni Islam and Morisco Taqiyya


  • Devin Stewart Emory University




Moriscos, Dissimulation, Taqiyya, Coercion, Ikrāh, Blasphemy, Paronomasia


This study provides an outline of the religious doctrine of taqiyya or dissimulation in Sunni Islam, drawing on Qur’ānic commentaries, hadīth compilations, legal manuals, and ethical treatises. Moriscos and the North African jurists who advised them had access to discussions of taqiyya and the closely connected legal dispensation of coercion (ikrāh) through these sources, many of which were wellknown in al-Andalus before the Reconquista, and some of which continued to be popular afterwards. Attention to this material helps one to interpret the 1504 fatwā of Ibn Abī Jum’a al-Wahrānī to the Moriscos and in particular his discussion of blasphemy under coercion.


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Author Biography

Devin Stewart, Emory University


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How to Cite

Stewart, D. (2013). Dissimulation in Sunni Islam and Morisco Taqiyya. Al-Qanṭara, 34(2), 439–490. https://doi.org/10.3989/alqantara.2013.016



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