Toponymy of the Balad of Pamplona in ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III’s Campaign in 312/924


  • Jesús Lorenzo Universidad del País Vasco (UPV)



Pamplona, Al-Andalus, ‘Arīb b. Sa‘īd, Ibn Ḥayyān, Sancho Garcés, Edition of Arabic sources


In 924 an army headed by the emir ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III crossed the border of the emerging kingdom of Pamplona and devastated its territory. Two chroniclers, ‘Arīb b. Sa‘īd and Ibn Ḥayyān, recorded in their texts the names of several of the places that were attacked. The first edition and translation of ‘Arīb’s text in the late 19th and early 20th centuries probed to be of great importance, since not only provided the basis for the appearance of some studies focused on the identification of the place-names, but it also greatly influenced the edition and translation of the Ibn Ḥayyān’s manuscript, published several decades later. Nonetheless, the comparison between ‘Arīb’s manuscript and its edition has shown important differences between the place-names that appear in both of them. The main purpose of these pages is to restore the place-names to their original handwritten form in order to make possible new hypothesis on their identification.


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Author Biography

Jesús Lorenzo, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV)


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How to Cite

Lorenzo, J. (2015). Toponymy of the Balad of Pamplona in ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III’s Campaign in 312/924. Al-Qanṭara, 36(2), 403–427.


