The Collegium Melitense: A Frontier Mission in the Interface Between the Christian and Muslim Worlds


  • Carmel Cassar University of Malta



Jesuit Curia, Collegium Melitense, North Africa, The Levant, Propaganda Fide, Maltese language, School of Arabic, Missionary activities


In 1554 Ignatius Loyola realized Malta’s great potential as a stepping-stone for building contacts with the Muslim Maghreb. The close association of the Maltese language to Arabic further convinced the Jesuit Curia, and the Holy See, to ‘privilege’ Malta as an ideal base for the evangelization of North Africa and the Levant. However, with time, the


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How to Cite

Cassar, C. (2015). The Collegium Melitense: A Frontier Mission in the Interface Between the Christian and Muslim Worlds. Al-Qanṭara, 36(2), 443–462.



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