The Beginnings of Rational Theology in al-Andalus: Ibn Masarra and his Refutation of al-Kindī’s On First Philosophy




Ibn Masarra, Ibn al-Uqlīshī, Ibn Ḥazm, al-Kindī, intellectual history of the Islamicate world, kalām, Islamic theology, Qadariyya, Muʿtazila, Arabic philosophy, Sufism, causality, ḥurūf, iʿtibār, al-Andalus


The main source on Ibn Masarra’s thought before 1972 was Ibn Ḥazm, who briefly described some key elements of Ibn Masarra’s theology. In 1972, Muḥammad Kamāl Ibrāhīm Jaʿfar attributed two treatises to Ibn Masarra, Risālat al-Iʿtibār and Kitāb Khawāṣṣ al-ḥurūf, extant in a manuscript held in the Chester Beatty Library. The contents of these two works differ from previous descriptions of Ibn Masarra’s thought in primary sources, which overwhelmingly regard him as a theologian that upheld Qadarī-like tenets, such as al-waʿd wa-l-waʿīd and istiṭāʿa. In light of the two works ascribed to Ibn Masarra by Jaʿfar, subsequent scholarship has criticized the bulk of primary sources on Ibn Masarra as inaccurate and either biased or uninformed, and has dismissed them. However, the most illuminating source on Ibn Masarra, Ibn al-Uqlīshī’s al-Inbāʾ fī sharḥ ḥaqāʾiq al-ṣifāt wa-l-asmāʾ, appears to have passed unnoticed to scholarship until recently. On the basis of the information provided by Ibn al-Uqlīshī, this paper suggests attributing a work already edited and published under a different author, al-Radd ʿalā l-Kindī or Refutation of al-Kindī’s On First Philosophy, to Ibn Masarra. This text was formerly attributed to Ibn Ḥazm. The latter work coincides with descriptions of Ibn Masarra found in primary sources other than the two works Jaʿfar attributes to Ibn Masarra.


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How to Cite

Bellver, J. . (2020). The Beginnings of Rational Theology in al-Andalus: Ibn Masarra and his Refutation of al-Kindī’s On First Philosophy. Al-Qanṭara, 41(2), 323–371.


