The Linguistic Codification of Subjectivity in Ibn al-Ḫaṭīb’s Nufāḍat al-ǧirāb: Verbs, Emotions, and Evaluative Adjectives
Classical Arabic, al-Andalus, Ibn al-Ḫaṭīb, Stance, Emotions, AdjectivesAbstract
This work examines the subjective language used by the Andalusian intellectual and politician Lisān al-Dīn Ibn al-Ḫaṭīb (d. 1375) in his exile work Nufāḍat al-ǧirāb. The aim is to explore the value of a linguistic approach in understanding the place of this text within the Islamic West’s cultural transition toward the modern European paradigm. The study has three parts. The first provides a brief introduction to the author, his sociopolitical context, and the work’s content. The second part proposes a quantitative-qualitative methodology to structure the digitized text according to its genres and to extract instances of the most salient linguistic phenomena according to an annotation scheme. The third part proceeds to the analysis of the extracted data regarding action, emotion, and evaluation. The analysis shows a complex encoding of subjectivity in the Nufāḍa where, unlike Ibn Ḫaldūn’s Taʿrīf, the marks of the first-person, although significant, are scarce. However, there is extensive use of evaluative adjectives throughout the work, with a lexical richness that explicitly reveals the author’s stance. This finding demonstrates the benefits of adopting a hybrid methodology in approaching pre-modern literary-historical texts, along with the need to incorporate linguistic, empirical, and comparative analysis to study the aforementioned epistemological transition.
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