El castigo de la disidencia en las invenciones plúmbeas de Granada. Sacromonte versus Ignacio de las Casas


  • Manuel Barrios Aguilera Universidad de Granada




Using specific pasages from the Historia authéntica by Luis Francisco de Viana y Bustos and Joseph Juan de Laboraría, canons of the Sacromonte of Granada, the article evokes the condemnation carried out by this institution of the historical memory of father Ignacio de las Casas. This later was a Jesuit from Granada, Morisco by birth, and a missionary and social worker of considerable prestige who had distinguished himself as a staunch refuter of the Torre Turpiana and Valparaiso inventions of the late 16th century. De las Casas was persecuted during his own lifetime by the charismatic archbishop Pedro de Castro, founder of the Sacromonte Abbey and later responsible for the stigmatisation for future centuries of de las Casas' memory throught the falsification and debasement of his biography. The Historia authéntica, a "defensorio" (written in 1756) provides the best example of the fanatical fulfilment of the founder's instructions, 150 years after the controversial findings.


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How to Cite

Barrios Aguilera, M. (2003). El castigo de la disidencia en las invenciones plúmbeas de Granada. Sacromonte versus Ignacio de las Casas. Al-Qanṭara, 24(2), 477–531. https://doi.org/10.3989/alqantara.2003.v24.i2.168



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