Adopting Discreet Political Opinions because of the State Control. The Case of Ibn Ḥazm in Seville


  • Samir Kaddouri Qatar Foundation, Doha



Ibn Ḥazm, al-Mu‛taḍid, Kitāb al-Faṣl, Political opinions, Seville


This article tackles a difficult problem involving the biography of Ibn Ḥazm, namely the classical Arab historians have alluded to the fact that al-Mu‛taḍid, king of Seville, had persecuted Ibn Ḥazm and decreed that his books must be burnt. The same historians give no explicit nor accurate details on the political circumstances that led to this tragedy. We have studied and reconstructed the historical context of the events while taking greater advantage of some new facts discovered from our recent study on the textual history of Kitāb al-Faṣl.


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Author Biography

Samir Kaddouri, Qatar Foundation, Doha


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How to Cite

Kaddouri, S. (2014). Adopting Discreet Political Opinions because of the State Control. The Case of Ibn Ḥazm in Seville. Al-Qanṭara, 35(1), 135–150.



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