Samplers of Andalusi Strofic and Metrics as Reflected by Hebrew Poetry


  • José Martínez Delgado Universidad de Granada



musammaṭ, strophic poetry, zajal, Arabic poetry, Hebrew poetry, al-Andalus


The first samples of Andalusi Hebrew poetry inspired by the Arabic metric and figures in the 10th century at Cordoba took the form of musammaṭ. Hebrew musammaṭ lends both strophic games and metric changes not tolerated in Hebrew poetry inspired by classical Arabic metrics. This phenomenon will occur throughout all the classical period of the Jews of Andalus (10th-12th centuries). I selected a sample of acrostic Hebrew musammaṭ in order to show this use establishing their date and place. The aim of these samples is to shed some light on two premises currently accepted: the stanzaic structure of the Andalusi poetry is rooted in the musammaṭ and the Hebrew poetry has two metrical models: quantitative and syllabic.


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Author Biography

José Martínez Delgado, Universidad de Granada


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How to Cite

Martínez Delgado, J. (2016). Samplers of Andalusi Strofic and Metrics as Reflected by Hebrew Poetry. Al-Qanṭara, 37(1), 39–58.




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