Bedouin and sedentary Arabic dialects and diglossia in Ibn Ǧinnī (4th/10th century). Sociolinguistics and history of the language vs epilinguistic discourse




Ibn Ǧinnī, bedouin and sedentary Arabic dialects, faṣāḥa, ’i‘rāb, diglossia, sociolinguistics, history of the language, epilinguistics, linguistic ideology, theology


In his Ḫaṣā’iṣ, Ibn Ǧinnī (d. 392/1002) refers, incidentally, to a differentiation between bedouin and sedentary Arabic dialects, the latter being characterized by a partial loss of the case and mood endings (’i‘rāb). In so far as Ibn Ǧinnī refers on this point to an earlier source of nearly two centuries, on the one hand, and indicates that there was hardly any Bedouin at the time to speak “correct” Arabic (faṣīḥ, that is to say, inflected mu‘rab) on the other hand, we can see in his remarks an implicit recognition of a situation of diglossia, the Bedouin dialects being at the origin of the high variety (al-luġa al-‘arabiyya al-faṣīḥa). This situation is also revealed by an anecdote, where we see a speaker of Bedouin origin alternating between what Ibn Ǧinnī calls “the two ways of speaking” (ǧihatā al-kalām), with and without case and mood endings. Despite appearances, it is not about sociolinguistics and history of language. It is about language theory, with the hypothesis of a phenomenon of entropy, linked to the use of the language, in which the speaker gets rid of case and moodendings, a source of difficulty and errors. It is also and above all an epilinguistic discourse, consistent with the linguistic ideology (thesis of the Bedouin faṣāḥa) and with theology (thesis of the “language of Ḥiǧāz” as al-luġa al-fuṣḥā), two theses difficult to reconcile.


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How to Cite

Larcher, P. (2018). Bedouin and sedentary Arabic dialects and diglossia in Ibn Ǧinnī (4th/10th century). Sociolinguistics and history of the language vs epilinguistic discourse. Al-Qanṭara, 39(2), 359–389.



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