A Commentary on the Muršida Attributed to al-Sanūsī (d. 895/1490): A Discussion of Ġurāb’s Thesis and an Attempt of Identification





ʿaqīda, Ašʿarism, al-Muršida, al-Sanūsī


The Muršida, an Ašʿarī treatise attributed to Ibn Tūmart (d. 524/1130), represents one of the most famous written traces of the presence of Ašʿarism in the Maghreb. One of his most widespread commentaries is al-Anwār al-mubayyina al-muʾayyida li-maʿānī ʿaqd ʿaqīdat al-Muršida (“The enlightenment that exposes and supports the meanings of the creed al-Muršida”). Its fame compared to the other comments stems from that of its alleged author: Muḥammad b. Yūsuf al-Sanūsī (d. 895/1490), a central figure in later Ašʿarī theology. Yet almost everything suggests that he is probably not the author of this comment. But this does not diminish the importance of the text: it could be one of the first commentaries of the Muršida.


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How to Cite

Amharar, I. . (2022). A Commentary on the Muršida Attributed to al-Sanūsī (d. 895/1490): A Discussion of Ġurāb’s Thesis and an Attempt of Identification. Al-Qanṭara, 43(2), e23. https://doi.org/10.3989/alqantara.2022.023


