Contribution to the Study of the Ancient Vocabulary of ḥassāniyya Based on Some Texts from the dīwān of Saddūm Wuld Nd̆aṛtu (1122-1227 / 1710-1812)




Ancient Ḥassāni vocabulary, Ḥassāniyya dialect, Dīwān of Saddūm Wuld Nd̆aṛtu, Ḥassāni epic poetry (thaydīn), Saddūm Wuld Nd̆aṛtu


The aim of the present study is to contribute, through the examination of the dīwān of the oldest known Mauritanian folk poet, Saddūm Wuld Nd̆aṛtu, to identify ancient vocabulary and explain its meaning. We interrogate this dīwān as the only surviving witness to the author´s time (18th century) to help us identify ancient words in his poems that have long since fallen into disuse and are now considered archaisms, terms that are strange or unfamiliar to most or all speakers. The study includes, on the one hand, a description of the historical context in which the poet lived and, on the other hand, a brief presentation of the contents of the dīwān, before turning to the main topic, namely the ancient Ḥassāniyya vocabulary contained in the book. As for the common features of this vocabulary, it is worth noting the abundance of terms from the lexical field of war (battles, weapons, horses, etc.).


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How to Cite

Ould Mohamed Baba, A. S. (2023). Contribution to the Study of the Ancient Vocabulary of ḥassāniyya Based on Some Texts from the dīwān of Saddūm Wuld Nd̆aṛtu (1122-1227 / 1710-1812). Al-Qanṭara, 44(2), e20.



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