Where have all the converts gone? Difficulties in the study of conversion to Islam in al-Andalus


  • David J. Wasserstein Vanderbilt University




Islam, Conversion, Al-Andalus, Onomastics, Names


Discussion of a proposal for identifying converts to Islam in al-Andalus through their onomastics using the huge databases constituted by the medieval Arabic biographical dictionaries. The proposal is shown to be unworkable in practice. It is suggested in consequence that it may not be possible to identify converts in ways that are susceptible of statistical analysis.


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How to Cite

Wasserstein, D. J. (2012). Where have all the converts gone? Difficulties in the study of conversion to Islam in al-Andalus. Al-Qanṭara, 33(2), 325–342. https://doi.org/10.3989/alqantara.2011.005


