Reading the Qur,ān in the 17th-Century Sephardi Community of Amsterdam


  • Harm den Boer Universität Basel
  • Pier Mattia Tommasino Columbia University



Qur’ān, Translation, Renaissance, Judaism, Sephardim, Portuguese Jews, Seventeenth Century, Amsterdam, Venice, Menocchio, Andrea Arrivabene, Giovanni Battista Castrodardo, Leon Modena, Abraham Gomez Silveira, Religious Polemics.


This article presents an unknown Spanish translation of the Qur’ān, extant at the Ets Haim/Livraria Montezinos Library of the Portuguese Jewish Community of Amsterdam. The manuscript dates from the seventeenth century and was the work of a Spanish or Portuguese Jew living in Amsterdam or another community of the Sephardi diaspora. In the present contribution, a detailed material description of the manuscript and its contents, as well as of its Italian and Spanish sources, is offered. While the translator claimed that the work was translated “word for word from Arabic,” he actually used the Italian version of the Qur’ān by Giovanni Battista Castrodardo, published by Andrea Arrivabene in Venice in 1547. The short appendix on the life of Muḥammad, on the other hand was based on a Spanish polemical work addressed to the minority of the moriscos: the Confutación del Al corán y secta mahometana by Lope de Obregón, published in Granada in 1555. This translation represents a unique case-study of the re-contextualization of the Qur’ān in early modern Europe and of the History of Reading across European and Mediterranean confessions.


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How to Cite

den Boer, H., & Tommasino, P. M. (2014). Reading the Qur,ān in the 17th-Century Sephardi Community of Amsterdam. Al-Qanṭara, 35(2), 461–491.



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