A Fragment of a Forgotten Dictionnary: Essai on Dating Parisinus arabicus 4235 of BnF





Ms.BnF arabe 4235, al-Bāri‘ fī lluġa of Abū ‘Alī l-Qālī, Cordobe, Ibrāhīm b. Ḥumām Ibn Aḥmad, William Mac Guckin de Slane, dating Arabic manuscripts


The manuscript preserved in the Bibliothèque National de France, arabe 4235 is a fragmentary copy of Abū ‘Alī l-Qālī’s (m. 356/967) al-Bāri‘ and belonged to a certain Ibrāhīm b. Ḥumām Ibn Aḥmad. Although we know nothing about him, we have information about his father, Ḥumām Ibn Aḥmad al-Uṭrūš, who lived in Cordoba between 357/968 and 421/1030. He was a professor of Language and Poetry and, at the same time, he copied books for living during the crisis of the cordovan Caliphate. A marginal note in f.22b, in a personal codex of Abū ‘Alī l-Qālī allows the author to believe that the manuscript comes from a privileged Cordovan environment. The orthographic and philological care with which the copy was made, as well as the graphic style makes also evident that the manuscript was the work of a language professor and not of an expert copyist. The context of its production and the data provided by a codicological and paleographical analysis, make also clear that the dating of this manuscript should be the end of the IV/X century or the beginning of next century.


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How to Cite

Jaouhari, M. (2018). A Fragment of a Forgotten Dictionnary: Essai on Dating Parisinus arabicus 4235 of BnF. Al-Qanṭara, 39(1), 49–71. https://doi.org/10.3989/alqantara.2018.002


