Formulating the Rules in the Second Half of the 9th/15th Century: Al-ʻUqbānī’s Tuḥfa, Mirror of Social Transformations in the Central Maghrib
central Maghrib, ḥisba, fatwā-s, social orderAbstract
The aim of this article is to study the ḥisba treatise, entitled Tuḥfat al-nāẓir wa-ġunyat al-ḏākir fī ḥifẓ al-šaʿā’ir wa-taġyīr al-manākir, of the tlemcenian jurist Muḥammad al-ʿUqbānī (m. 871/1467). Firstly, it is the context production of this text which is considered: the central Maghrib in the second half of the 9th/15th century characterized by an evolution of the balance of power between different actors, saints, scholars and sultanian powers. The acuteness of the question of social order preservation arises through this work which mix two kind of literary genre, ḥisba treatise and fatwā collection. Al-ʿUqbānī proposes a discussion of the coranic precept of commanding right and forbidding wrong, then a selection of fatwa which deal with ḥisba. So this work, far from being timeless, fits fully into its time and reflects social transformations in process.
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