New evidence and considerations on the origins and genealogy of the Banū Rushd




Ibn Rushd al-Jadd (d. 520/1126), conversion, genealogy


This article revisits the question of the genealogical origins of the Cordoban Mālikī jurist and Ash‘arī theologian Ibn Rushd al-Jadd (d. 520/1126) – not to be confused with his renowned grandson, Ibn Rushd al-Ḥafīd or Averroes (d. 595/1198). New evidence is provided in support of the arguments put forward in my “Explicit Cruelty, Implicit Compassion: Judaism, Forced Conversion and the Genealogy of the Banū Rushd” published by Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies in 2010. There, the family’s genealogy was explored in the context of the Almohads’ treatment of the dhimmīs, Averroes’ fall from grace with the caliph and his subsequent confinement to Lucena.


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How to Cite

Serrano Ruano, D. (2018). New evidence and considerations on the origins and genealogy of the Banū Rushd. Al-Qanṭara, 39(1), 225–237.




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